This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Apache Aurora

Java code in the aurora repo is built with Gradle.

Getting Started

You will need Java 7 installed and on your PATH or unzipped somewhere with JAVA_HOME set. Then

./gradlew tasks

will bootstrap the build system and show available tasks. This can take a while the first time you run it but subsequent runs will be much faster due to cached artifacts.

Running the Tests

Aurora has a comprehensive unit test suite. To run the tests use

./gradlew build

Gradle will only re-run tests when dependencies of them have changed. To force a re-run of all tests use

./gradlew clean build

Running the build with code quality checks

To speed up development iteration, the plain gradle commands will not run static analysis tools. However, you should run these before posting a review diff, and always run this before pushing a commit to origin/master.

./gradlew build -Pq

Creating a bundle for deployment

Gradle can create a zip file containing Aurora, all of its dependencies, and a launch script with

./gradlew distZip

or a tar file containing the same files with

./gradlew distTar

The output file will be written to dist/distributions/ or dist/distributions/aurora-scheduler.tar.

Developing Aurora Java code

Setting up an IDE

Gradle can generate project files for your IDE. To generate an IntelliJ IDEA project run

./gradlew idea

and import the generated aurora.ipr file.

Adding or Upgrading a Dependency

New dependencies can be added from Maven central by adding a compile dependency to build.gradle. For example, to add a dependency on com.example’s example-lib 1.0 add this block:

compile 'com.example:example-lib:1.0'

NOTE: Anyone thinking about adding a new dependency should first familiarize themself with the Apache Foundation’s third-party licensing policy.

Developing Aurora UI

Installing bower (optional)

Third party JS libraries used in Aurora (located at 3rdparty/javascript/bower_components) are managed by bower, a JS dependency manager. Bower is only required if you plan to add, remove or update JS libraries. Bower can be installed using the following command:

npm install -g bower

Bower depends on node.js and npm. The easiest way to install node on a mac is via brew:

brew install node

For more node.js installation options refer to

More info on installing and using bower can be found at: Once installed, you can use the following commands to view and modify the bower repo at 3rdparty/javascript/bower_components

bower list
bower install <library name>
bower remove <library name>
bower update <library name>
bower help

Developing the Aurora Build System

Bootstrapping Gradle

The following files were autogenerated by gradle wrapper using gradle 1.8’s Wrapper plugin and should not be modified directly:


To upgrade Gradle unpack the new version somewhere, run /path/to/new/gradle wrapper in the repository root and commit the changed files.

Making thrift schema changes

See this document for any thrift related changes.