The Aurora/Thermos observer can take a variety of configuration options through command-line arguments.
A list of the available options can be seen by running thermos_observer --long-help
Please refer to the Operator Configuration Guide for details on how to properly set the most important options.
$ thermos_observer.pex --long-help
-h, --help, --short-help
show this help message and exit.
--long-help show options from all registered modules, not just the
__main__ module.
The mesos root directory to search for Thermos
executor sandboxes [default: /var/lib/mesos]
--ip=IP The IP address the observer will bind to. [default:]
--port=PORT The port on which the observer should listen.
[default: 1338]
The number of seconds between observer refresh
attempts. [default: 5]
The number of seconds between per task process
resource collections. [default: 20]
The number of seconds between per task disk resource
collections. [default: 60]
From module
--app_daemonize Daemonize this application. [default: False]
Dump the profiling output to a binary profiling
format. [default: None]
Direct this app's stderr to this file if daemonized.
[default: /dev/null]
--app_debug Print extra debugging information during application
initialization. [default: False]
--app_rc_filename Print the filename for the rc file and quit. [default:
Direct this app's stdout to this file if daemonized.
[default: /dev/null]
--app_profiling Run profiler on the code while it runs. Note this can
cause slowdowns. [default: False]
Ignore default arguments from the rc file. [default:
The pidfile to use if --app_daemonize is specified.
[default: None]
From module twitter.common.log.options:
OBSOLETE - legacy flag, use --log_to_stderr instead.
[default: ERROR]
The level at which logging to stderr [default: ERROR].
Takes either LEVEL or scheme:LEVEL, where LEVEL is one
of ['INFO', 'NONE', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'FATAL']
and scheme is one of ['google', 'plain'].
The level at which logging to disk [default: INFO].
Takes either LEVEL or scheme:LEVEL, where LEVEL is one
of ['INFO', 'NONE', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'FATAL']
and scheme is one of ['google', 'plain'].
--log_dir=DIR The directory into which log files will be generated
[default: /var/tmp].
--log_simple Write a single log file rather than one log file per
log level [default: False].
The level at which logging to scribe [default: NONE].
Takes either LEVEL or scheme:LEVEL, where LEVEL is one
of ['INFO', 'NONE', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'FATAL']
and scheme is one of ['google', 'plain'].
The category used when logging to the scribe daemon.
[default: python_default].
--scribe_buffer Buffer messages when scribe is unavailable rather than
dropping them. [default: False].
--scribe_host=HOST The host running the scribe daemon. [default:
--scribe_port=PORT The port used to connect to the scribe daemon.
[default: 1463].