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Apache Aurora

Santhosh Kumar Shanmugham


Posted June 20, 2017

0.18.0 Released

The latest Apache Aurora release, 0.18.0, is now available for download. Here are some highlights in this release.

Major new features:

  • Added the -mesos_driver flag to the scheduler with three possible options: SCHEDULER_DRIVER, V0_MESOS, V1_MESOS. The first uses the original driver and the latter two use two new drivers from libmesos. V0_MESOS uses the SCHEDULER_DRIVER under the hood and V1_MESOS uses a new HTTP API aware driver. Users that want to use the HTTP API should use V1_MESOS. Performance sensitive users should stick with the SCHEDULER_DRIVER or V0_MESOS drivers.
  • Add observer command line options to control the resource collection interval for observed tasks. See here for details.
  • Added support for reserving agents during job updates, which can substantially reduce update times in clusters with high contention for resources. Disabled by default, but can be enabled with enable_update_affinity option, and the reservation timeout can be controlled via update_affinity_reservation_hold_time.
  • Add task scp command to the CLI client for easy transferring of files to/from/between task instances. See here for details. Currently only fully supported for Mesos containers (you can copy files from the Docker container sandbox but you cannot send files to it).
  • Added ability to inject your own scheduling logic, via a lazy Guice module binding. This is an alpha-level feature and not subject to backwards compatibility considerations. You can specify your custom modules using the task_assigner_modules and preemption_slot_finder_modules options.
  • Added support for resource bin-packing via the -offer_order option. You can choose from CPU, MEMORY, DISK, RANDOM or REVOCABLE_CPU. You can also compose secondary sorts by combining orders together: e.g. to bin-pack by CPU and MEMORY you could supply CPU,MEMORY. The current default is RANDOM, which has the strong advantage that users can (usually) relocate their tasks due to noisy neighbors or machine issues with a task restart. When you have deterministic bin-packing, they may always end up on the same agent. So be careful enabling this without proper monitoring and remediation of host failures.
  • Modified job update behavior to create new instances, then update existing instances, and then kill unwanted instances. Previously, a job update would modify each instance in the order of their instance ID.
  • Added ability to whitelist TaskStateChanges in the webhook configuration file. You can specify a list of desired TaskStateChanges(represented by their task statuses) to be sent to a configured endpoint.
  • Add message parameter to killTasks RPC.
  • Add prune_tasks endpoint to aurora_admin. See aurora_admin prune_tasks -h for usage information.
  • Add support for per-task volume mounts for Mesos containers to the Aurora config DSL.

Additional changes:

  • Update to Mesos 1.2.0. Please upgrade Aurora to 0.18 before upgrading Mesos to 1.2.0 if you rely on Mesos filesystem images.

NOTE: In this release, the Aurora client will need to be updated before the scheduler can be deployed.

Full release notes are available in the release CHANGELOG.

Getting Involved

We encourage you to try out this release and let us know what you think. If you run into any issues, please let us know on the user mailing list and IRC.


Thanks to the 12 contributors who made Apache Aurora 0.18.0 possible:

  • Abhishek Jain
  • Charles Raimbert
  • Cody Gibb
  • David McLaughlin
  • Kai Huang
  • Mehrdad Nurolahzade
  • Nicolás Donatucci
  • Reza Motamedi
  • Santhosh Kumar Shanmugham
  • Stephan Erb
  • Takuya Kuwahara
  • Zameer Manji