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Apache Aurora

Mesos Fetcher

Mesos has support for downloading resources into the sandbox through the use of the Mesos Fetcher

Aurora supports passing URIs to the Mesos Fetcher dynamically by including a list of URIs in job submissions.

How to use

The scheduler flag -enable_mesos_fetcher must be set to true.

Currently only the scheduler side of this feature has been implemented so a modification to the existing client, or a custom Thrift client are required to make use of this feature.

If using a custom Thrift client, the list of URIs must be included in TaskConfig as the mesosFetcherUris field.

Each Mesos Fetcher URI has the following data members:

Property Description
value (required) Path to the resource needed in the sandbox.
extract (optional) Extract files from packed or compressed archives into the sandbox.
cache (optional) Use caching mechanism provided by Mesos for resources.

Note that this structure is very similar to the one provided for downloading resources needed for a custom executor.

This is because both features use the Mesos fetcher to retrieve resources into the sandbox. However, one, the custom executor feature, has a static set of URIs set in the server side, and the other, the Mesos Fetcher feature, is a dynamic set of URIs set at the time of job submission.

Security Implications

There are security implications that must be taken into account when enabling this feature. Enabling this feature may potentially enable any job submitting user to perform a privilege escalation.

Until a more through solution is created, one step that has been taken to mitigate this issue is to statically mark every user submitted URI as non-executable. This is in contrast to the set of URIs set in the custom executor feature which may mark any URI as executable.

If the need arises to mark a downloaded URI as executable, please consider using the custom executor feature.